Silicon Valley Polytechnic Institute


Python programming Essentials

This course introduces the student to the Python language. Upon completion of this class, the student will be able to write non trivial Python programs dealing with a wide variety of subject matter domains. Topics include language components, the IDLE environment, control flow constructs, strings, I/O, collections, classes, modules, and regular expressions. The course is supplemented with many hands on labs using either Linux or Windows.


Course Duration

Duration of this course is 12 weeks with classes being held 2 sessions per week. In some cases 2 sessions are combined into one for convenience of students. Training duration per week consists of about 4-6 hours of instructor based training combined by about 6-4 hours of self practice for a total of about 10 hours per week. Tuition Fee for the course includes:

  • 12 weeks of instructor based class room and hands-on training
  • Extensive class notes
  • Certification

Course Schedule

For more information and to register please contact SVPTI at Tel: 408-436-3000 or email at



















Key Words:

Computer programming, coding, c programming, c++ prpgramming, computer science, Java programming, Java Language