Silicon Valley

While at Stanford, I used to run into William Shockley once in a while in the narrow and semi-dark hallways of the McCullough Building. But being a young student back then I did not fully comprehend that I was talking to a giant of a man who led California's 'Silicon Valley' to become the hotbed of electronics innovation and usher an information revolution. Click here to read more...
Featured Courses

Expedition PCB Fundamentals (NEW COURSE)
Starts July 20
This 1-day course by expert, explores fundamentals of PCB design with Mentor Graphic's Expedition PCB. Expedition PCB is the technology leader for the creation of today's most complex PCB designs.

IC Layout Design & Verification
Starts June 17
These are the best two courses thought by expert instructors to bring you up to speed in the exciting field of IC physical design and verification.

Autodesk Revit Architecture
Starts June 21
Revit Architecture is the most widely used software used in major architectural projects. Signup today to advance your career to the next level.

3D Drafting with SolidWorks
Starts June 19
SolidWorks is a complete 3D Modeling Software and CAD Product Design solution. Thanks to advances in 3D printing SolidWorks drafting is becoming a sought after skill.

About Us

Silicon Valley Polytechnic Institute (SVPTI) is a leading provider of certificate training programs for skill development, workforce re-engineering, and continuous education. SVPTI provides high-quality training programs for working professionals seeking to enhance their skills, employment, and fulfilling their careers in the industry.

SVPTI is founded based of decades of high-level educational and professional experience in dynamic Silicon Valley industry and prestigious world-class universities. SVPTI intends to achieve its mission by offering industry-driven certificate training programs based on advanced curricula, and offering a high level of student – instructor interaction, small class sizes and highly qualified faculty with years of relevant industry experience.

We welcome and accept: Corporate Tuition Reimbursement, Workers Compensation, California Training Benefit (CTB), Trade Adjustment Act (TAA), Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Vocational Rehab, and more...

Corporate Training

When organizations want well trained employees who are engaged with their missions, values and visions, and aligned with their strategic plans, SVPTI is here to help.
We tailor our training program around your company skill development needs. You choose the content, time, and format, and we will accommodate your needs.

SVPTI is pleased to sponsor

Heart of Technology (HOT) is a philanthropic organization based in San Jose, California.
Click here for more...

Featured Seminars

Following is a list of featured seminars. Contact us if you like to schedule any of them for your organization.

• Statistical Process Control (SPC)

• 3D Packaging Technology and

• Software Quality Assurance

• Software Testing Fundamentals
   for Developers

• Essential Soft Skills for

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1762 Technology Drive, Suite 227 | San Jose, CA 95110 USA | 408.436.3000 |